Love to the Boys

Thursday, January 15, 2009 at 10:38 PM
Ricky's special talent

hahahaha! Sorry Ricky!

Why Frank was really disgusted by the One Guy, One Jar Vidjo

hahahaha! Sorry Frank

Christian and Brian have a dance off

Sorry Timy and Mustafa! hahahahaha!


  1. Brian Says:

    Ah yes. I just invented that flip flop kick! Although, I have to admit, my spankies were a tad too lose. I think I need to take them in a little........

  2. TWSS BOYS Says:

    Oh Brian, they weren't loose, they were trying to get off from all that stretching you forced them in! hahahahahaha

  3. KR Dorne Says:

    Oh a dance off and Mustafa trying to woo us with this striping skills. Although Mustafa has bigger tits than me I have to go with Tiny. When he is dancing with his back to you his panties look like a big happy smile laughing at you. LOL. Go on Tiny get down with your bad self!!!

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