Nessa can find those keys

Saturday, October 24, 2009 at 2:48 PM

Derek likes it when you use lava soap to find his keys.
Keep digging and you'll find them Nessa.

Just how did Nessa let him leave the house?

at 2:46 PM

Nessa how could you let derek leave the house dressed like this?
How nerdy are you? oh wait you are that nerdy.

How deep is Ricky?

Monday, October 19, 2009 at 5:19 PM

Wow, Ricky can take a full bear arm. Shoulder deep and fingering your tonsils.
Hey, I wonder if he found his keys so he can go home?

Sorry Ricky.

Taylor, I can almost see it

Tuesday, October 13, 2009 at 5:48 PM

Taylor, I think it is "cute." That is an appropriate comment right? Good thing it is bigger than Ricky's.

Sorry Taylor and cute lil' Taylor

Rodan loves it doggy style

at 5:45 PM

I had no idea this is what it was. Makes me wonder if Riley is a real dog.

Sorry Rodan.

Patrick won't see this

at 5:40 PM

Seems this is why patrick never gets laid.

Who dresses like this?
Sorry Patrick

Taffy is a great mother

at 5:32 PM

She teaches her children about marital love.

I guess in the car is not the best place though.

Sorry Huffington Children and Taylor

Brian saves these up/this is his penis

at 5:27 PM

Brain that is gross. i can't believe that is the only way you can cum.
Just gross.

Sorry Frank about Brian's neck penis thing

Christian and his bleeding clit.....

at 5:26 PM

Yeah someone got over stimulated at Gay Days! Yes it is really that small!

Foul Monkeys Podcasting

Monday, October 12, 2009 at 7:55 PM

Here is a live shot from the special studio of the Foul Monkeys.
What are you doing with that applesauce?

Sorry Ricky, maybe.

Things get a tad too racist.......racy?

Tuesday, October 6, 2009 at 1:15 AM

Sorry........oh, you know who.

Bjorn, seriously!!! That's......(vomits)

at 1:06 AM

This is just......(vomits again)

Sorry anyone who had to watch this. Fuck you, Bjorn.

Hooking up at Gay Days

Sunday, October 4, 2009 at 7:25 PM

Of course Christian's gaping mussy was able to accommodate! Sorry Christian!

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